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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  September 11, 2012 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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reflection, remembrance and unity. people across the entire country coming together today to remember the lives lost during the terrorist attacks of september 11th, 2001. a very, very emotional day. good morning, everybody, and thank you very much for joining us, i'm jon kelley. >> and i'm marla tellez in for laura garcia-cannon. 11 years ago today our nation's history was forever changed when 4 planes, including one on its way to san francisco, were hijacked and crashed by terrorists. we do have a live look this morning at the world trade center memorial in new york city where those lost are gone but not forgotten. right now what's happening under way there, you can see family members, they are taking the time to read each and every name of each and every victim. almost 3,000 people losing their lives on that fateful day 11 years ago. joining us live from ground zero, today in the bay's
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danielle lee joins us with a look at this day of remembrance still ahead. >> reporter: and good morning. the ceremony here at the national memorial has just begun minutes ago with the ringing of the bells at st. paul's chapel. about 200 family members who lost loved ones in the terrorist attacks 11 years ago are now beginning to read the names of those nearly 3,000 victims who were lost. we have seen hundreds of people gathering around this memorial. janet napolitano, governor chris christ christie. those politicians who are here will not be speaking. this is the first year politicians are not allowed to speak at this ceremony as the organizers are hoping to keep politics out of the event and make this a more intimate experience for these families still suffering from these attacks 11 years ago. some other developments that have helped make people take steps toward healing.
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first responders who suffered from cancer due to the debris from the terrorist attacks will now receive treatment under the world trade center health program. more than 50 types of cancer have been added to the types of treatment that they can have covered as a result of these attacks, and also mayor bloomberg was able to announce that a museum that has basically sat on hold below those reflecting pools will now be able to be completed. no work had been being done because of a financial dispute but now that that has been resolved, they will be able to build that which will commemorate many of these victims who were lost. something the friends and families of victims said is needed to make this tribute complete. this ceremony will last for about four hours. mean while president waobama ist the white house participating in a moment of silence and then heading over to the pentagon. and vice president joe biden will be at another ceremony at shanksville, pennsylvania, again, remembering those victims who were lost when those four planes were hijacked 11 years ago. i'm danielle lee, now back to
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you. >> thank you, danielle. we are just seconds away, 6:03, to mark another moment of silence when the second tower, the south tower was hit. let's take a moment. >> earlier at 5:46, that moment
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was observed, there was silence at the north tower. this now at 6:03 was the silence at the site near the south tower where united flight 175 struck that tower fate fully 11 years ago. related to this story, a money dispute has delayed the opening of the national september 11th memorial museum. this has now been resolved. the museum was scheduled to open today but funding issues between the museum foundation and the port authority of new york put a stop to the construction. the foundation controls the memorial and the museum. the port authority owns the world trade center site. now, late last night both groups finally getting together to strike a deal that will restart construction on that site. and the tributes to the almost 3,000 people killed in the 9/11 attacks are not limited to new york, washington, d.c. and shanksville, pennsylvania. >> that is right. there are several locations and events across the country marking the september 11th anniversary. christie smith is live in san francisco where firefighters are
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preparing to honor the fallen in a bell ringing ceremony there. christie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. they are starting to show up as we speak. hard to believe that it's already been 11 years. you certainly remember where you were and what you were doing when you got the news about the terrorist attacks. well, san francisco firefighters, as they have done before, are holding a remembrance ceremony. we are here at station 7. the mayor and the fire chief expected to be here. this gets under way in just under an hour, it starts about 6:45. what they'll do is roll their apparatus out and firefighters will assemble at their flag poles. then at the time of the south tower collapse, they ring bells which signify the last alarm. finally reading the names of all 343 firefighters and paramedics from new york who lost their lives that day. it's a very somber ceremony. san francisco firefighters, of course, were among those who went to new york to help out and say that the memories are still
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fresh and so are the lessons learned. new training and homeland security funding has certainly changed things. there are a number of other events going on today around the bay area. at 9:00 this morning in san jose's oak hill memorial park there will be a memorial and flame lighting ceremony. that will be repeated at 6:00 p.m. also at 9:45, a and in lechbt pleasanton, a ceremony will take place with police and fire. while there is a ceremony here at station 7, it's also happening at all 43 fire stations across the city and the public is invited to attend. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> thank you very much. we will of course have continuing coverage of the day of remembrance throughout our broadcast and all day long, including the moment of silence
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at the pentagon coming up at 6:37. 6:07 now. the latest on a developing story in san jose where two men jumped from the second story of an apartment complex to escape flames. the early morning fire gutted one apartment at the monterey villa apartments in south san jose. this is a look at cell phone video recorded by the man who lives below the unit who caught fire. this is what it looked like as the first fire crews arrived. the next-door neighbor says he could only watch as firefighters tried to knock down these flames. >> the whole balcony was engulfed in flames. >> reporter: and we hear some people had to actually escape? >> jumping from windows. the people next door, they didn't come out the front door because the fire was in the front room. they came out -- they busted out the window, the bedroom window, which is right next to my apartment. >> one of the two men who jumped from the second floor is being treated for burns. the other man is said to be
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okay. 11 other people had to be evacuated from the four-unit complex. investigators are still trying to figure out the cause of that fire. police in orinda are stepping up patrols after a recent kidnapping attempt. just last wednesday a given-year-old girl was out walking her dog when he was approached by a car. the driver demanded she get in. she refused. he grabbed her but she was able to escape. the suspect was an african-american machine in his late 20s to early 30s. chest length dreadlocks and a thin mustache. he was last seen driving an older black four-door sedan. this morning the eight-foot section of pipe that failed and led to that massive chevron refinery fire in richmond is on its way to a lab to be analyzed. investigators say the eight-inch section had thinned dangerously near the spot that ruptured. they will analyze the pipe for corrosion and other factors that
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led to the split that marked last month's fire. chevron decided to replace a nearby line for maintenance last year but chose to delay replacement of the pipe that ultimately failed. investigators are focusing on whether chevron followed industry standards when deciding not to replace the aimingiging christina loren looking outside to see what's happening tuesdaywise. >> your tuesday is looking a-okay. we're going to hold on to summer-like conditions. in fact conditions just about right where they should be, average for this time of year. completely clear start for now here in san jose. we are expecting mostly cloudy conditions all the way from san francisco to concord. 57 in fairfield and we're at 53, comfortable here at san jose. a little on the chilly side. this tells the story of the day. we'll see more widespread cloud cover for the first part of the day. it's going to linger a little longer and that's going to limit the sunshine a little bit more so than we saw yesterday. hence, a little bit cooler this
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afternoon. we stop that clock again for you at noon and you can see all the cloud cover at that point will be pushed right pack out into the pacific, so temperatures are looking really good. 80 degrees inland. as you wrebreak for lunch, you' be 68 bayside and 78 at 4:00 p.m. the microclimates, they really differentiate the weather around here so we'll talk about that coming up. 6:10. first we want to check your drive. >> we're looking at a smooth flow for 880 through fremont. the big concern was here at the dublin interchange. the earlier accident, indeed they said it was going to take 25 minutes for the tow trucks to arrive, but they managed to move the cars to the shoulder without them. good stuff. apparently whatever injuries they were, not a big deal. that has cleared from the report, so has the slowing. then look at the right of your screen. a new accident at the first street off-ramp were this lanes about five minutes. that was enough to trigger a big
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slowdown coming out of the altamont pass. the folks in livermore and dublin, you might catch a break because of all these folks held up. now all lanes are cleared so expect them in a few minutes. this is a live look at the bay bridge. stacking up in the cash lanes. the metering lights, expect them in a couple of minutes. to the south bay, the volume builds for 101 as well. slowing just south of 680. 6:11. coming up, star power in syria. why a hollywood a-lister is risking her life to help a country in crisis. hackers may not be as powerful as they said, and the worst pizza in the history of the world. yeah, just check yelp. we'll take a look coming up in business. and coast to coast, america pauses to remember 9/11, from new york to d.c. to pennsylvania and all the way to san francisco. that is a live look at old glory blowing in the wind. firefighters there set to honor the fallen with a ringing ceremony. i like to score
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my designer shoes and handbags early. so i shop at t.j.'s. i get my favorite brands without having to wait for them to go on sale someplace else. done! fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. t.j.maxx.
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i've never written a fan letter before, but you've done what i thought was impossible: you made good-for-you, gluten-free cereals in a whole bunch of yummy flavors. cinnamon chex and honey nut chex are two of our favorites. when my husband rob found the chocolate one, we were in cereal heaven. the only problem is, with so many great flavors you're making it very hard to choose. so thanks. from your fans, the mcgregor family.
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'cause we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook. welcome back on this september 11th. giving you a live look at the pentagon where a moment of silence will take place in less than 30 minutes at 6:37. of course we will mark that moment of silence. you can see people gathering. >> a very emotional day. hearts are heavy coast to coast. everybody remembering the 9/11 attacks. if you happen to just be waking up with us, here's a look at the day's top stories. today marking the 11 years since hijacked planes crashed into the twin towers of the world trade center, the pentagon and a field in shanksville, pennsylvania. memorial events being held coast to coast at each of those sites
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and thousands of cities across the country. two people were forced to jump from the second story to get away from a fast-moving fire early this morning of the one of those men is in the hospital being treated for second-degree burns. the cause of the fire is under investigation. and federal investigators finally removing a section of pipeline that failed at the richmond chevron refinery, prompting a massive fire. investigators say early tests show the pipe was dangerously thin there and that segment is now being analyzed at a private lab. 6:15. happening now, actress angelina jolie is touring a refugee camp in jordan to meet with syrians who have escaped the civil war in their country. 27,000 syrians displaced by the conflict now live at the camp. jolie is part of a special envoy to the united nations and is touring the site alongside jordan's foreign minister. the united nations says the camp needs massive international funding because conditions are,
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quote, unacceptable. a developing story in hong kong where occupy activists are fighting back against bailiffs trying to evict them from their camp underneath the asian headquarters. they pushed and shoved the activists. hong kong's occupy movement first started camping out at that site last october. 6:16 right now. recently hackers claim they stole the personal data of thousands of iphone users and took it from fbi computers. >> today we know that claim is not true. scott mcgrew has been looking into this. >> good morning, jon. good morning, laura. we first told you about these claims last week. the theft of what hackers said were 12 million numbers called udid, unique to apple products. those hackers loosely associated with anonymous said the numbers came from a stolen fbi laptop. turns out they did not. a company in florida called blued to that works with ipad
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said they lost the numbers, not the fbi, and it was far less data than hackers were claiming. some of those same hackers are this morning claiming responsibility for yesterday's failure of the internet service godaddy. it's best known for its commercials. godaddy assigns names to and hosts websites. it was knocked offline monday afternoon after a short time. hey, you remember this on sunday, the old how heavy is the president, let's find out with a giant hug? there we go, he's not heavy. funny video, kind of sweet really. a pizza parlor owner, a republican, by the way, so excited to meet the president he kind of forgets the handshake might be more appropriate. how can we ruin this this politics? well, we can do it using yelp. users, thousands of them, have bombarded big apple pizza with bad reviews. if you're a small business owner and support obama, you deserve to have a failed business. one star.
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one person won't eat there because the owner, quote, obviously likes the idea of same-sex marriage. it was just a bro hug really. but lots of people are now joining in, giving it five star reviews. we suspect none of those people have ever been to big apple pizza in florida, but we'll find out from yelp what they're going to do about this. they went from two reviews to 2,000 overnight. >> the owner is a republican but he says he voted for obama last time, plans to do it again this time. >> he was excited. >> gave him a little spinal adjustment too. >> nothing wrong with a little bromance. you too, maybe you want to go to a walk this morning, perfect for that. conditions are downright brisk. it's going to be a little on the cool side compared to where we have been. 6:18 now, taking a live look at coit tower lit up in red, white and blue in honor of 9/11. we will have more coverage live for you from new york coming up.
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6:18 now. let's go ahead and show you what we're looking like today in san jose. beautiful sunrise here. we are expecting some low clouds to push inland, but so far that is not the case. we're at 53 degrees down there. 54 at san francisco and 45, cooling off more so in novato. as we head throughout the day today, an area of low pressure will drop through. it's a weak, dry trough. as this moves through, it will pick up that sea breeze that's ushering in the strong onshore flow keeping our temperatures close to 90 degrees but not quite. we've got a hotter trend on the way. as we head through the end of the week, much hotter conditions so if you can handle the upper 80s, go ahead and open up the windows in your home. good air quality across the board courtesy of that onshore flow. 69 degrees. comfortable in the city by the bay. 79 at redwood city and 71 in santa cruz. getting a little hot out in the east bay tri-valley, at 89 degrees in livermore. so let's talk about the seven-day outlook because that's
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when things start to change. we'll be at 95 degrees on thursday. 92 friday, 91 on saturday, great conditions for you to hit the beach as this is one of the last weekends of summer. you've only got two left. so if you want to do so, make sure you get it in there because as we transition into fall, it comes in quickly, it gets cold, cloudy and then the rainy season starts as we get into it looks like probably december for us this time of year. 6:20. let's talk to mike about your drive. >> if you're taking your nina or nino to school, the traffic will be slow. just north of the 680 interchange is where we see slowing up towards mckee is where we see the big slowing. also towards 880 so that's the most popular spot as far as the on-ramps go right about now. we also have a power outage on monterey highway right around this area between capital and just north of there, so watch
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for that zone with some signal lights that are out. if you have friends, call them at your cell phone because their alarm clock might not be working. we'll look over to a very slow spot. the earlier accident over here at first has cleared to the shoulder but the distraction and the early backup just has that ripple effect. folks hitting their brakes as a result of that caterpillar action that goes on. so a smoother drive. folks through dublin and pleasanton paying off from that accident, holding traffic off just a bit. no problems but a little slowing through sunol. live look outside shows you how things are shaping up at the toll plaza. the metering lights are on but still see movement as you're coming past the 880 overcrossing. that continues to build. another live look outside shows you across that san mateo bridge, westbound your commute moves smoothly but a good volume of traffic from the hayward side, flat section and the high rise both moving nicely, though. back to you. >> people have places to go, people to see. >> indeed they do. it is 6:21 right now. coming up, a scratch-off
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rip-off. a new risk for lotto players and what you need to know to avoid becoming one of the victims. we'll have that just ahead.
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>> the old dog still has some old tricks. the young guy has forgotten them. >> the crew took the fleet racing competition by holding the points lead through the
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entire event. >> you know, it's the first time in front of our home fans and it's just exciting to be able to reward them with that. >> and for the spectators by the bay, it was a great chance to get up close and personal with america's cup racing. >> it looked like people were having fun. at the end of the day that's what it's all about. >> on course with the america's cup, i'm lawrence scott. welcome back at 6:24. it's new, it's simple and a way to cheat the people who play scratchers games. investigative reporter vicky nguyen joins us to explain how it works with surveillance video catching the crooks in action. >> reporter: it's called pinning
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and it's a new trick used on scratch-off tickets. the cheaters are counting on you to miss the subtle changes to the surface of the card. scratchers are the california lottery's cash cow. last year players spent $2.7 billion on these games. >> send my kids to college. >> just a thrill. the anticipation. >> there's always a chance. >> reporter: the chances of winning big money are tough enough without cheaters like this store clerk in san jose caught on his own surveillance cameras. lottery investigators say when he wasn't working the counter, he was working over his c customers, selling scratchers he knew were duds. how did he know? because he had already checked them. watch as he leans over this stack of tickets. investigators say he's removing a tiny bit of the top layer of the ticket. he's looking for each scratcher's unique three-digit
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code. that code plus the ticket's par code tells him if it's a winner. police say he sells the loosers to unsuspecting customers. the crime is called pinning because they use something small and sharp like a pin. he scrapes a thin line on the ticket where he knows he can see the three digit code. that tells him what the ticket is worth. even frequent players can be fooled because unless you look closely, you'll never notice the small line of missing latex. the acting chief of the lottery police, yes, the lottery has its own police. >> i look at this as stealing from children. >> reporter: that's because the lottery paid $1 billion to california schools last year. police say they investigate to keep the games fair and honest so you keep playing. >> we have looked at every single scam that comes our way.
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>> reporter: tonight at 11:00 we'll show you how the clerk sold the losing tickets to unsuspecting customers. plus we'll have more from investigators as they go undercover to catch other cheaters who try to game the system. vicky nguyen, nbc bay area news. 6:27 right now. still ahead, a booze bust forcing a firefighter to turn in his badge. we'll let you know what happened in the undercover sting that uncovered criminal charges. [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers.
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blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. i need your help... i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. well...everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe well...i'm not at liberty to give that out, but we do use tender chunks of white meat chicken in an herb & spice broth. come on that's it? i need the recipe. you gotta help me out! [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? like a ninja! [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. you have a plan? first we're gonna check our bags for free, thanks to our explorer card.
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then, the united club. my mother was so wrong about you. next, we get priority boarding on our flight i booked with miles. all because of the card. and me. okay, what's the plan? plan? mm-hmm. we're on vacation. this is no plan. really? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card. the mileage card with special perks on united. get it and you're in. this is a live look at ground zero where family members are reading the names of the victims of 9/11 happening 11 years ago today, being called a day of remembrance. the country comes together to mourn the loss and celebrate the courage of those who died in terror attacks 11 years ago today. also in new york, the opening bell at wall street.
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hit it on the nose, yes, they will. another day to remember on this tuesday, september 11th. this is "today in the bay." good morning and thanks for waking up with us. it is 6:30, i'm marla tellez in for laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm jon kelley. good morning, everybody. this morning reflection of prayer and healing at four different sites where thousands of people lost their lives 11 years ago today. we have a live look right now from new york where they are reading the names out there of all the victims who died during the 9/11 attacks. moments of silence have already been observed at the moment of impact at both the world trade center towers and also soon to be done at the pentagon. in just moments a moment of silence will be held at the
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pentagon and we will bring you that life coming up at 6:37. meantime a lapse in judgment leads to the resignation of a fire chief. that's how gilroy city administrator tom hagelin describes what happened when interim fire chief roger bloom was caught and cited buying beer for a 20-year-old at a liquor store in live oak near santa cruz last friday night. the young man actually was working as an undercover decoy for the santa cruz county sheriff's department. chief bloom resigned yesterday. he's been the interim chief for a month. gilroy police chief, denise turner, will oversee the fire department until they find another interim fire chief. a heart-breaking morning for a san jose couple traveling to arizona to bring home the body of their daughter. flagstaff police say jordan murphy mahoney was riding her bicycle when she was struck and killed by a hit and run driver sunday night. the 21-year-old graduated from
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presentation high school in san jose back in 2009 and was an active member of the holy spirit church parish. officers have arrested the 22-year-old driver and investigators do believe at this point alcohol was a factor in that crash. tragedy right before his eyes. this morning a witness describes the deadly accident in walnut creek that killed his mother and left his wife fighting for her life. >> he was speeding. we couldn't move. it all happened so fast. he looked and glazed eyes. he was speeding. he came directly at us. there was no time to move. i saw his eyes before he killed my mom. >> that is casey hahn. he says he and his family were walking on the sidewalk saturday when a speeding truck plowed them down. his mother, 53-year-old sherry hicks, was killed. his wife, 23-year-old sheng hahn, is listed in critical condition now. investigators say they are still trying to determine what led to
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this crash, but nbc bay area has learned the driver, seen here, hossein tabrizi, was convicted of dui in 2005. he now faces vehicular manslaughter charges. 6:33 right now. show up or face the consequences. that's the order from a federal magistrate directly to oakland mayor jean quan. attorneys want to depose the mayor before an october 4th hearing on police department reforms. quan was supposed to attend a deposition just last month but she backed out at the last minute to attend a city council meeting. the federal magistrate says quan must be deposed by september 25th or she will face consequences. quan telling the chronicle she does plan to attend the next scheduled deposition barring any city emergencies. now hiring by the thousands. that's the message for anyone looking for a job in the east bay. just hours from now, more than 70 employers will gather in hopes of finding more than 3,000 new employees.
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stephanie chuang joins us live from livermore with more on the job fair that could have employers hiring on the spot. good morning, stephanie. >> reporter: very good news, marla. good morning to you. it's nice to have some good news on the jobs front f the bay area. and the good news again is the hiring on the spot. some 70 employers we're told should be arriving around 7:00 this morning. and again all you need to do is show up with your resumes and it will be in the back here. no one lined up just yet but that is expected to change very soon. this is the paragon outlets that is slated to have more than 120 stores from higher end brands like coach, kate spade, to bloomingdale's, j. crew and gap. now, this means 2,000 permanent job openings along with 1500 seasonal and temporary jobs. the outlets will be hosting two job fairs ahead of its grand
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opening weekend, november 8th to the 11th. the first job fair again here. robert livermore community center, 444 east avenue, it starts at 10:00 until 2:00 this afternoon. again, hiring on the spot. and the best part also, no registration needed. just come bring your resumes, be prepared for interviews and you're all set to go. for now live in live more, stephanie chuang, "today in the bay." to go along with the good news about job hirings, we also have nice weather ahead. >> yeah, good luck to all the candidates headed out there and you will be comfortable in your suit. at least for the first part of the day. it's going to be a little bit hot in the extreme east bay later on but not too bad everywhere else. look at this beautiful live picture here in san francisco. gorgeous morning shaping up. we do have that fog starting to settle in. that will continue to be the case the next couple of hours but the sky in san francisco later on will look just as it
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does right here in san jose. gorgeous, hard to find a cloud in the sky. temperatures are cool out there, 53 in concord, 53 in sunnyvale and the upper 40s have returned to novato and santa rosa. as we head through the next couple of mornings in particular, an offshore flow setting up. hour by hour forecast shows you 89 degrees in the hat of the day. let's check your drive. here's mike. this next half hour will be when we see the volume kick in around the bay. looking aá a few accidents for the east bay. east shore freeway west 80 at san pablo dam road, an accident clearing from lanes but the slowing already building up. not much benefit for berkeley. south 880 at 16th, an accident reported there just moving from lanes, guys. back to you. >> okay, mike. thanks so much. right now we do want to take you back out live to the pentagon where the victims of the september 11th terror attacks are being honored with a moment of silence at 6:37.
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the time american airlines flight 77 hit the pentagon. let's listen in. >> the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general martin dempsey. >> mr. president, mrs. obama, mr. secretary, distinguished guests, good morning and thank you all for being here. my wife and i offer a special welcome to the families and friends of those we lost on these grounds 11 years ago today. one of them was chief warrant officer william root. his memorial bench of granite and steel sits in the last row in front of me, seventh in from the far right. bill served as a marine in vietnam, flying helicopters. after the war, he became a social studies teacher and joined the army national guard,
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serving in the first gulf war as a medevac pilot. he was loved by his students. they were proud of his service and moved by his deep commitment to them and to our nation. one student said he opened up my eyes and my heart to the world. many others -- >> you are listening to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff martin dempsey paying tribute to those killed at the site of the pentagon. 184 people lost their lives at the pentagon site. that's including 59 crew and passengers. >> the third moment of silence out there. there will be three more coming up, the next one at the south tower, where they will do that at 6:59. that was the exact time the south tower began to fall. >> and at that site at the pentagon, the president will take the podium and speak in just moments. 6:38. still ahead, teachers leaving their classrooms an hitting the streets for a real-life lesson in civics and economics.
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the latest on the chicago teachers strike just ahead. so the 9:15 meeting looks like it's going to start a little late... um, but i uh... (interupting) oh okay - okay yup that's fine. excuse me - sorry. yes! vo: from the new, to the hard to find: when it's on your mind, it's on ebay™. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪
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wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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at 6:41 and happening now, nearly 29,000 teachers in the country's third largest school district are on strike for a second day today. chicago teachers walked out on their 400,000 students after talks on a new contract came up short. at issue, pay, benefits, job security and a system for evaluating teachers that hinges in part on students standardized
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test scores. still ahead, a baseball rivalry turning violent all over again. we'll tell you about another attack at a giants/dodgers game. wall street also remembering 9/11 this morning. we'll take a look at the markets and their ceremony. i'm a professional stylist but styling my friend's is my favorite. they all love the latest trends but none of them want to pay full price. they each have their own unique style, so t.j.maxx is a great place because they have such an incredible mix of designers for so much less than the department stores. when my friends feel beautiful i just feel like i scored. fashion direct from designers. savings direct to you. i'm a maxxinista and now so are all my girls. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you.
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and my fiance, firefighter, joseph j.ogren. i love and miss you so very much. until we meet again. >> and my son, richard middleton blood jr. rick, can you hear your name as the roll is called again? on this sacred ground where your
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dust settled? if only those that hear your name could know what a loving son and wonderful person you i love you, rick. miss you terribly. your dad always. >> such a moving tribute this morning to help ensure the victims of 9/11 are never forgotten. right now families of those killed at the world trade center are reading the victims' names allowed at ground zero. meanwhile at shanksville, pennsylvania, the flight 93 memorial ceremony is about to get under way. >> it will get started precisely at 7:03 this morning. that is the exact time the flight crashed into a field in pennsylvania, ultimately killing everybody on board. this is a live look from shanksville, pennsylvania. vice president joe biden is there and will be delivering that keynote address and that service will include a reading of all the names of the flight 93 passengers and the crew
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including mark bingham. he is a bay area native and uc berkeley graduate. we will cover all those moments of silence and keynote from vice president joe biden. hundreds of firefighters all across san francisco preparing for their own special tribute to those killed in the september 11th attacks. >> it is one of several bay area tributes planned for the day ahead. christie smith is live from san francisco fire station 7 for more on this morning's ceremony. christie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. perfect timing because we're just getting started here this morning. the mayor and the fire chief on the way. i haven't seen them yet. as you said, we're at station 7 and a couple of things going on as the ceremony is getting under way. they are starting to move their fire trucks out and what's happening is the fire trucks -- the firefighters, rather, are gathering in front of the flag pole. if steve can pan over to this side, they will fly the flag at half staff and in just a couple of minutes at the time of the south tower collapse, they're
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going to ring the bells here. three sets of three, signifying the last alarm. they'll also read the names of the 343 firefighters and paramedics from new york who died 11 years ago in the terrorist attacks. this is somber and respectful ceremony that they have done before. of course san francisco had firefighters who went to new york city to help out. of course those who went say they'll never forget what they saw at the world trade center and lessons learned from that. training has improved here in san francisco. better protective gear. a third fire boat for the city. of course there are events going on all over the bay area today to mark the occasion. union city has their flight 93 memorial, they have a ceremony there. pleasanton fire station 1 is having a ceremony. ceremonies in san jose as well. again, this one just getting under way. i wanted to mention, it's happening here at station 7, but
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also at all 43 fire stations across the city and public is welcome to attend. i'm starting to see -- i believe that is mayor ed lee and i believe i also see the fire chief, joanne hayes-white arriving as well. they're just getting under way and we'll come back to you in a couple of minutes when the ceremony continues and let you know what's going on. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> this day of remembrance is having an impact on the campaign trail with both presidential candidates pulling negative ads off the air. they are also suspending campaigning. president obama, as we reported, is attending a memorial service at the white house first and right now at the pentagon. his republican challenger, mitt romney, will address the national guard's annual conference. a new political poll shows voters care more about the economy and jobs than security and terrorism this election year. 54% say the economy is the top priority compared to 37% who say
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security is the priority. that is much different than eight years ago, when two-thirds of voters said protecting the country was more important than creating jobs. we will have continuing coverage of this day of remembrance throughout this broadcast and following "today in the bay" on the "today" show, an exclusive interview with a 9/11 survivor who said he rode down a pile of debris for more than 15 floors. that's just ahead at 7:00. >> and the stories are just endless about 9/11. christie smith points out there will be ceremonies all across the bay area. it looks like it's going to be another nice day for it. >> yeah. makes you want to give your loved ones a little extra tighter hug today, definitely. good morning to you. let's go ahead and take you outside to san francisco. i want to start with this lovely live shot. old glory there standing tall, getting a little bit of pickup from the light breeze out there. just a beautiful morning here in the bay area. yeah, very blessed to be waking up here this morning. as we head throughout the day today, temperatures are going to
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be on the cool side. let's take you to sunol and show you the sky here. good air quality for today, so once your temperatures in sunol approach the low 90s, not quite to the low 90s, you can go ahead and open up the windows. you don't have to use the ac or if you don't have one, that will be a luxury. just open up the windows, good air quality. we're at 52 crisp degrees in livermore and temperatures are going to be just a touch cooler today than yesterday. we're going to be just about as warm as we head through your wednesday. so cool conditions courtesy of a stronger onshore flow. that's going to make for significant cooling right at the coast. close to 70 degrees in places like san francisco. today we're going to keep temperatures in the upper 60s. we'll see the upper 80s inland and mid-70s along the east shore. comfortable conditions in fremont at about 76 degrees. we'll be at 81 in san jose. temperatures are going to soar but only for a couple of days. thursday being the peak. 95 degrees inland, 81 degrees
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bayside. you'll be in the mid-70s on thursday at the beach if you have that luxury to hit the beach. if you don't, this become looks good as well. get a few more clouds on sunday. starting to feel a little more like fall come monday morning, a crisp start, and temperatures falling back into the upper 80s. 6:51, let's check your drive. >> there's so many drivers out there. look at this north 87 really showing the speeds fluctuating but they're coming down. the red and the orange, speeds down near 30 miles per hour all the way from 85 up into downtown. there's a power outage reported, about 3500 people here on monterey highway. that will be an issue for the signals as well in the area, keep that in mine. pg&e hopes to have that restored by 8:30. we'll look at a wider shot of the area and see the slowing 101 as well north of 680 as well as coming up toward capital expressway. the rest of the northbound routes start to build. as we move out to the area, we
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also show you two accidents or issues heading southbound 880 through oakland. south of 980 we have some debris reported in the roadway and an earlier accident moving to the shoulder but it had a couple of lanes blocked and that's why we have all of this slowing heading into oakland. slow for the castro valley y. we'll catch up with the san mateo bridge on the peninsula side and look at the flow west 92 across here into foster city. good volume, stey flow. 101 still not showing any slowdown through san mateo. we'll also get a live look outside and show you 101 through palo alto, but northbound smooth past university and the shopping center south. smooth drive into the south bay without incident. back to you. the latest now on a developing story in san jose. firefighters continue to look for the cause of an early morning apartment fire. this is cell phone video recorded by the man who lives below the unit that caught fire at the monterey villa apartments
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in south san jose. that fire moved fast enough to force two men to jump from the second story of the complex to just escape the flames. one of the two men who jumped from the second floor is being treated for second-degree burns. the other only suffered minor scratches. firefighters were forced to evacuate 11 other people living in the building's four units. and tonight an east bay community coming together to remember the life of a young man from lafayette who died while tubing down the sacramento river. 20-year-old brett olson being honored at his alma mater at 7:00 p.m. olson disappeared on september 2nd near chico. the cal poly san luis obispo student's body was found on sunday not too far from where he was last seen. the bay area father accused of kidnapping his two young children and then sweeping them out to sea on a stolen yacht is offering his first explanation for that crime. christopher maffi is charged with eight felonies.
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he faced a judge yesterday and did not enter a play but he did speak. he claims he was taking his children from a home where they had been abused. the judge quickly cut him off, noting anything he said could be used against him. the children's mother denies the accusations. the coast guard rescued the children from the yacht off the coast of monterey friday an reunited the children with their mother. marla, we are learning more about a violent attack at a giants/dodgers game. 26-year-old christopher torrey smith was arrested during stunt night's game at at&t park. police say smith approached a man in a restroom inside the park and then started beating him. the victim suffered facial lacerations. smith will be charged with battery action vandalism and public intoxication. smith is already facing charges in connection with a dui incident that killed two pedestrians in tahoe's incline village. meantime, the raiders now embracing a brand new nfl policy to try to crack down on fan
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violence. the new security process is in place leaguewide that requires everybody attending nfl games to pass through metal detectors. there's also a zero tolerance policy for any bad behavior. we caught one fan getting arrested during the first quarter of last night's game against the chargers. sheriff's officials telling us there were at least 15 arrests. there's also new ways for fans to protect themselves inside the coliseum. banners are up all over with the numbers that fans can text or call to contact directly to security. 6:55. a heads up for commuters. the san mateo/hayward bridge will need to be shut down across two weekends next month. crews need the closure to repair a cracked section of roadway. for the past two years steel plates were used as a temporary fix but now the bridge authority wants to lay down a long-term solution. the closures are set to take place during the weekends of october 19th and the 26th. well, if you are among the
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thousands looking for a job here in the bay area, you'll want to listen closely to this next story. more than 3,000 jobs will be up for grabs today in the east bay. stephanie chuang joins us live in livermore with a look at the job fair meant to fill spots for a massive new mall. stephanie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. some great news, of course, this morning here at the robert livermore community center on the east part of town is where there will be a job fair in about three hours at 10. but the employers are expected to arrive any minute now and they will be hiring on the spot. this is because of the opening of paragon outlets south of 580 just off of the el charo exit. slated to have more than 120 stores. this means 2,000 permanent jobs and another 1500 temporary/seasonal jobs. paragon outlets will host two job fares ahead of the grand opening weekend november 8th to
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11th. the first one today the second october 23rd. the job fair at robert livermore community center is at 444 east avenue. again, 70 employers guaranteed and will do immediate hiring. really good news also. no registration required, all you have to do is come, have some multiple copies of your resume, be prepared for the interviews and head to the gym behind this main building here. stephanie chuang, "today in the bay." of course today's top story, an entire nation reflecting back on that fateful day 11 years ago and wall street also remembering 9/11 this morning. >> cantor fitzgerald occupied floors 101 through 105. one of the first indications we got something had happened is when their computers disappeared
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from the trading board. 685 employees died that day. taking a look at wall street, "i will." this is a volunteer group that is involved in 9/11. if you go to you can get more information and wall street will have a moment of silence at 6:25 our time. an interesting website, i posted a link on our facebook page to all kinds of tv stations, local, national, international, recorded the morning of september 11th. it's part of the san francisco-based internet archive. you can see how various media reacted to that moment and so many different newscasts went from just sort of the news of the day to hold on just a second, something has happened in new york city in america. it's interesting to see the different perspectives. >> a day that affects each and every one of us. thank you very much, scott. >> indeed it does. in just a few seconds bells will ring in san francisco. we want to take you back out live to san francisco where all
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43 fire stations across the city will mark the moment that the north -- rather the south tower fell at 6:59. >> one of many moments of silence that are going on today across the nation as people remember and reflect on a day that will live in infamy. >> again, this is happening at all 43 stations across san francisco. the fire stations there and at this station, fire station number 7, mayor ed lee is said to be there and also the fire chief, joanne hayes-white on hand there. there are other 9/11 memorials happening throughout the bay area and union city and san jose. for all the very latest, log on to our website to find out where you may want to take part. >> christie smith is there for us. reporting on the remembrance in san francisco. she will have a report coming up at 11:00 when you and


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